I may not be an expert. I may not be a somebody. I may not even know very much at all, but what I do know is that most people do not understand SCIENCE.
...and so, what little I do know I am willing to share.


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Friday, August 20, 2010

For a little Perspective

When we talk about science we can theorize topics as vast as our solar system and characterize molecules smaller than atoms, but it can be hard to appreciate the difference between these extremes.

Well this Scale of the Universe can really help give some perspective on the AWESOME world we find ourselves in, and help us understand where we fit in it.

The scale really gave me some perspective! I marveled at how an AM radio wavelength is almost as large as the Eiffel Tower and that a red blood cell (which plays such a large role in our survival) is smaller than a mere droplet of fog. And then, when I realized that these items are nothing compared to the smallness of Einstein's quantum foam or the vastness of our Galaxy, I better appreciated my place in this world, which is pretty trivial.

Next time I get panicked because I missed my bus and will be late for work, or frustrated that my boyfriend broke my favorite mug, I think I will take a moment to gain some more perspective...

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