I may not be an expert. I may not be a somebody. I may not even know very much at all, but what I do know is that most people do not understand SCIENCE.
...and so, what little I do know I am willing to share.


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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Disseminating Science

Lets make science more accessible.

Most people just don't understand Science. This is apparent by the shocked expressions I encounter when I confess I am a neuroscientist, and by the confused questions I receive when I discuss my work. This is proven by the way advertisers and the media manipulate the general publics' misinformed reverence for scientific knowledge by saying things like, "it was scientifically proven that...(blah, blah, blah!)" and expecting people to take it as pure and indisputable fact. This is perpetuated by the jargon and exclusive practices used in scientific writing that restricts anyone without a high degree of education from understanding even the title of a scientific article.

For all these reasons I have decided to start this blog. Here I hope to begin Disseminating Science in a way that will make science more accessible to all.  I hope that anyone who takes a moment to read my random posts will gain new insight into a topic and be able to use and apply this knowledge in their every day.

So, although I may not be an expert, although I may not be a somebody, although I may not even know very much at all, what little I do know I am willing to share. And for the many topics I do not know about, I am willing to investigate. As I learn about new topics to post on I will not only expand my own knowledge, I hope I will also expand yours.

The plan:  to pick different scientific topics (in general, these will be molecular and cellular biology topics, since this is where my education has centered) and discuss all that I know about that topic using simple and understandable terms and concepts. I will try my best to be clear and informative to every reader. I hope that when I fail to be clear you will let me know and post appropriate questions that will help me fix the problem. I also hope that readers will suggest new topics for me to discuss, or will send me a post that you write about science. So if there is a question or issue you are curious about please let us know. And if you take the time to deconstruct some science please share it here. 

Ultimately I hope that this blog will help make science more accessible.


  1. *applause*

    Congrats! Blogging is great! I miss it. I look forward to the deconstruction.

  2. Yet again you blow me away! This is an amazing thing you're doing here - we do seem to live in a world that tells people they just can't understand the way things work, and the whys that science tries to answer. Way to go on working to make all those answers more accessible to people who are not in the field!
